Friday, 29 October 2010

Location Scouting Re-Sit

The reason we do location scouting is so that when it comes to filming and making a filming schedule, we can be almost certain on exactly where each scene is filmed. Most of the scenes where the female character is walking will be along Court Road in Broomfield but shown from different angles and view points to connote to the audience that there is more than one stalker, and that they are working together. The flashes of video inside the house will be filmed in Emmaline's house because it is close to the other locations we are looking at filming in, and therefore means we can get more filmed each day because there will less travelling to do. For the flashes of video where you just see the six victims laying dead, we will use various parks and alleyways around the Broomfield area, which is again down to trying to fit in as much filming as possible in the short amount of time that we have. I think that this will work well and look effective because it is obviously in the same area, and so the audience will begin to suspect that the woman seen in the first two minutes will be reaching the same fate, and begin to fear for her.

This is Court Road, shown from two different angles and times. The second photo is more representative of the time we would actually film the scenes where the female protaganist is walking down it, because traditionally the dark is scarier than the light, and is when bad things happen in horror films, for example, the film "Scream" the telephone call between the victim and the male antagonist takes place at night when she is on her own.

This is one of the places we are looking at fiming in, because is looks very quiet and secluded, and therefore when it is slightly darker, will look foreboding to the audience. In fairytales, traditionally villains hide or are banished to forests or woods, and so that idea fits in well with the idea of people following her through there. Also, it provides us with interesting shots through tree branches which again adds to the sense of someone watching her.

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