Friday, 11 December 2009

Initial props

Me and Rosiee have been discussing what kind of props and costumes we will need for our film. As in most horror films, we will make use of fake blood, probably on several of the shots of the victims laying dead, and possibly use makeup to create a brusing effect.

We'll also need a set of house keys for our main female character to drop, as this motion alone leads into one of the flashes of film showing part of what has happened after this point.

Our male characters will be wearing hoods, so that their faces are almost entirely shadowed, so the hoods are essential, this also adds to the ambiguity of the characters and the film as a whole.
As for the female character costumes, they will be wearing formal or casual attire, to show that there is a range of victims and that no particular class is targeted, but there will be nothing particularly defining about their costume, for example we will avoid using red in their clothing, as this is a colour usually associated with the antagonist.

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