Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Final Casting

We also cast our female protagonist as Louise Chick. As a young, blonde girl she looked the part of a horror film victim and was very convincing in her audition, where we asked her to read out a basic script, improvising and crying. This is her audition tape.

Please double click videos to open in a new window, as embedding them cuts off the side, making viewing difficult.

We have also cast our two minor parts of the stalkers. Although these characters are integral to the film, they have no dialogue in the opening two minutes and are only seen fleetingly. For this reason, we didn't need to hold a proper audition, more ask for volunteers and then check they were okay for the times when we are filming in January and were old enough. These are our stalkers;

Stalker #1 - Keegan Featherstone
Stalker #2 - Matthew Bonner

Friday, 11 December 2009

Initial props

Me and Rosiee have been discussing what kind of props and costumes we will need for our film. As in most horror films, we will make use of fake blood, probably on several of the shots of the victims laying dead, and possibly use makeup to create a brusing effect.

We'll also need a set of house keys for our main female character to drop, as this motion alone leads into one of the flashes of film showing part of what has happened after this point.

Our male characters will be wearing hoods, so that their faces are almost entirely shadowed, so the hoods are essential, this also adds to the ambiguity of the characters and the film as a whole.
As for the female character costumes, they will be wearing formal or casual attire, to show that there is a range of victims and that no particular class is targeted, but there will be nothing particularly defining about their costume, for example we will avoid using red in their clothing, as this is a colour usually associated with the antagonist.

Further casting

We were planning on holding our main auditions today; however, due to the main person we were auditioning for the lead female part is off ill and there were issues with the sign up sheets, we have rescheduled for early next week. We have had several people interested already and so we will still audition them today, but they are for the minor parts with little or no dialogue. Once the final auditions are done, we will put up the auduition videos and photos, and then a final cast list. Over Christmas we will send consent forms home with each person we have selected for their parents to sign.

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Casting ideas

We've set up the use of the drama rooms in our school on Friday for holding our auditions for our film. We've prepared a script for our main character to use, but the majority of it will be improvisation to keep it spontaeneous. As well as our main character we need five other girls to be the other victims and then around three hooded males to be the stalkers. The only person who will be heard speaking is the female main character and so she will have to be able to cry on demand and sound panicy without sounding cheesy. We've prepared consent forms for both the person auditioning and their parents to fill in to make sure that they are fully aware that the footage of them will be put online and used in our coursework.

Friday, 4 December 2009

First draft Script

Me and Emmaline have been working on writing a script for our film recently. The only real dialogue is right at the very start of our film when the screen is blank and so the script itself has to be very believable and able to stand alone without video to go with it. This is our first draft and we plan on developing it several times before filming, but it is useful to have something to work with when we start holding auditions, which are hopefully being held within the next week.

Script First Draft

*heavy breathing*
(muffled voices, loud door slam and the sound of a key turning in the lock)

female voice: f***. F***…f***...*slightly louder* f**k

*voice cracks* oh my *raises voice* God

*starts screaming/crying – panicking and hyperventilating, begging, spontaneous*

*sobbing* Let me out!

(key turns in lock again, dead silence, heart thudding noise? Door creaks open)

*whisper* no... please…please no…oh god *gets louder and louder*

(boots thudding across the room, echoes)

*screams, dies down to a humming noise*