Thursday, 22 April 2010

22nd April update

Having looked back over our planning, I found that our finished film differs slightly from the initial ideas we had; we originally planned to use six different girls in our film, with the ending resulting in six quick short clips of each of them with a body part marked with a "X". However, during the filming and editing process, we decided against that, instead using fewer girls and more quick clips, to disorientate the viewer, because we felt this was more effective than showing them within the first two minutes what happens in the rest of the film. This shows that whilst we did try to stick to preconceived filming schedules and ideas, we were also able to think on the spot and decide what worked and what didn't. If we were to make the rest of the film, we would have introduced the five other female characters throughout, creating suspense because the audience never knows who else is to become a victim.
Although we changed our idea during filming, I don't think this hindered us in the slightest; audience feedback has been positive for our final piece, especially those who are in the age range we were aiming it at, which I think shows we were successful.

Similar Media Works

Near the start of our planning, we made a Similar Media Works presentation. This aided us in researching typical conventions of horror film s, such as signifiers, storylines and characters. This was useful when actually making our own film, because we had ideas as to what people expect from a horror film, therefore making our own piece more appealing to the audience we wanted it to be. This is our presentation. After the initial presentation was completed, I went back over it, adding more information and detail to make it easier still to create our film.

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Final Film

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This is our final copy of our film. Over all, i'm very happy with the finished result; the finished result complies with the planning we did before starting and the idea I had in my head as to how I wanted it to look. After asking for audience responses, we got positive feedback, although some people said parts needed to be clearer. I think the last 20seconds with the quick clips of film looked very effective, putting the audience on edge and hinting at what else is to come.

01/04/2010 update

For the past two weeks, I have been making improvements to my work on and have uploaded updated version of Similar Media Works, added photos to the costume lists and uploaded the Filming Schedule we used. The group blog has our work for the Target Audience profile uploaded to it now, which was very useful for when writing our evaluations, because it made us really think about things such as the age certificate we were going to give our film, and why we did certain things in a certain way.
Story Board
The story board we created towards the start of the project in on the group blog. We all went out and took photos around the locations we were considering using for our film to try and create the right order we would need. Since we created it, we have added annotations to explain what kind of shot it is and why we used this.

Similar Media Works
I went back over this presentation and added extra information, more photos and links to films and trailers on YouTube that were beneficial to us while we were planning and researching for our own film.

The casting videos are on the group blog also, although we only videoed Louise Chick, because neither Matt or Keegan had lines to speak. I created a rough script which Louise then improvised with to create our audition piece.

Filming schedule
I created the filming schedule which we used to loosely base our days around. However, due to weather and lighting conditions, we were unable to follow this completely, more use it as a rough guide.

Evaluation question 7

Question 7

Evaluation question 5+6

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Evaluation question 3+4

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Evaluation Question 1 + 2

Please double click youtube videos to open in a new window, as embedding them cuts off the side, making reading difficult.

Question 1

Filming schedule

Before we filmed our final piece, we created a filming schedule, to enable us to work quickly and efficiently. This was useful because it meant that we had a rough idea of what we needed to do on each day to ensure that all the footage was the right light conditions and fitted together well, inkeeping with continuity.
Filming Schedule