Tuesday 5 January 2010

Location scouting

Tonight each of us will be taking photos of various locations we think we will be using in our final production. Most of the scenes where the female character is walking will be along the same road in Broomfield, but shown from different angles and perspectives to highlight how there's is more than one stalker. The flashes of video inside the house will probably be filmed in Emmaline's house, with a few parts filmed in a garage at mine. For the flashes of video where you just see the six victims laying dead, we will use various parks and alleyways around the Broomfield area, because we're keeping in mind the fact that some of the people in our film have exams and so by keeping it all in one area, we're saving time. I think that this will be effective too, because you'll be able to see the path the main character takes in each, which builds up on the fear the viewer feels because they begin to realise that the girl will be reaching the same fate too.

Costume List

Our main female character will be dressed in smart/ casual clothing, as if making her journey home from work or school. Although initially we were against the idea of having her wear white - a regular occurrence in horror films - we eventually decided that this would add the idea of innocence and foreshadowing what is to come.

Each of the antagonists will wear hooded garments to obscure their identity and create a feel of animosity, which will emphasise the idea that no particular hooded figure has any significance or importance over another. This can also show that they they work together, highlighting the link between them.

The five other female characters will only be glimpsed briefly, but will be in a variety of costumes, showing that no particular lifestyle or background is targeted and to highlight each different character, and to increase the understanding of the viewer, in that anyone could be targeted.

Although each costume is simple, each one holds great significance in helping the viewer understand what is happening, and which character is which.